Elevate your games. Feel your music. Get lost in your movies. Connect with your inner self. Catapult any multimedia experience to another dimension. All with Woojer's high-fidelity haptic feedback.
“Woojer also adds an extra element of sensory immersion…it’s as close as I’m ever likely to get to experiencing a Spinal Tap concert”
“Film buffs could find themselves enjoying theater quality sound at home”
“Amazing experience, if not completely addicting. It'll change how people listen to music”
“Woojer delivers intense immersion, allowing players to feel games, literally… enhances gaming like never before”
“Are you ready to really rock your body? It’s time to feel your music”
"Peels Off The Higher-Frequency Sounds And Finds A Smart Place To Put The Barrier Between Sounds You Hear, And Those You Feel."
“Woojer Vest will rock your virtual world – literally”
"It makes Virtual Reality a bit less virtual…vibrates you right into VR"
"We can’t overstate the level of realism achieved by Vest. It completely immerses you into any experience allowing you to live in worlds that do not exist"
"Gaming is now ready to get an extra layer of authenticity”
“It's a new consumer wearable that offers an innovative technique…previously experienced only in theaters”
"Then I put on the Vest and y’all - it’s a literal game changer...and it's an extremely comfortable beast"
"This is one of those moments where you feel something hit your skin and you immediately recall that sensation. It was awesome"
Sound literally takes shape with completely complimentary perceptions that'll make movies, music, video games, and VR experience even more engaging.
"You don't really recognize what you're missing when it's just the sound. when it's no vibe.
"Woojer vibes the beat into your body"
“Woojer forever change the way you experience music, films and video games”
All Woojer products are fully compatible with any device or media type, bringing unparalleled haptic feedback to everything you love. From gaming to movies, music to virtual reality, Woojer’s unique haptic technology transforms every experience into an unforgettable adventure.
Trade in
Get up to 150$ in credit when you trade in your Woojer
Forget about just hearing sound, you can now feel sound. Woojer delivers an amplified level of immersion. Imagine standing in the front row of Tomorrowland, you know that oomph you feel in your body? That energy pulsating into your bones? That’s what Woojer feels like. Get everything that your headphones alone can’t deliver.
All the feels. And then some.
From epic bass-in-the-face beats to face-melting battles that’ll have you picking out shrapnel for weeks! Woojer takes you there. First class.
Science friction
Woojer’s patented oscillating frame accurately reproduces and plays frequencies up to 250Hz including subsonic frequencies that are below the hearing threshold (1-20Hz).